Friday, 4 April 2008

Be prepared and enjoy life's challenges (more)

I bought some wellies recently and they’ve revolutionised my life. I love walking in the rain (it rarely occurs to me to go for a walk when it’s sunny). But, in the past, the idea of ruining my shoes would often put me off.

Last week, I wore my wellies (an elegant and sophisticated pair with enormous yellow daffodils all over them) and when I stepped off the road, I was instantly glad. There’s a short walk across a field from the road to the woods and even this was hugely muddy.

By the time I got into the actual woods, it was hard going even with the wellies.

But it was also so much fun. I had appropriate footware so could enjoy the muddy terrain. I even enjoyed almost falling over several times. When I got to a little stream, I was able to wade through it. I felt like a big kid.

Basically, the wellies meant I was properly equipped and could enjoy walking through the mud.

It made me think about challenging situations in life. While some things are far from enjoyable, being properly equipped to handle things – using all the resources you have available – can transform your experience of it.

For example, the house fire in January was traumatic and has meant lots of major upheaval. But because the insurance company and builders have been so amazing, along with all the other people they’ve brought in to help, the rebuilding has been as pleasant as possible.

Without such a lovely, supportive team, it would have felt like walking up hill in the mud wearing sandals. But their presence has meant that everything that’s cropped up (leaking roof, boiler leaking carbon monoxide and several other issues) has been immediately referred to an expert in that field. I wouldn’t have had a clue but it was all sorted for me.

And all the work should be completed over the next couple of weeks.

Is there a situation in your life that just feels too overwhelming and difficult? Whatever the problem, by equipping yourself with the right support, it will be much easier to handle.

Think of three situations and ask yourself “Who can I contact for help with this? What resources am I not yet using?”

I’ve already worn my wellies several times since. I’ve even found myself feeling a little disappointed when it’s not muddy and challenging enough to need them!

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