Monday 22 March 2010

Grow more of what you love

Yesterday was (this hemisphere's) Spring Equinox.

As you sit in the sun (or at least begin to imagine it as a more distinct possibility than even a few days ago), instead of just thinking that your lawn, if you have one, needs mowing, think about the other things you're growing.

How can you grow more of what you love?

Who are the friends and family who make you feel like the best version of yourself?

What books / magazines / films / TV shows and so on bring out the best in you?

Which hobbies do you lose yourself in most easily, emerging feeling creative, energised and refreshed?

Weeds can be as beautiful as cultivated flowers (more so, often) but if you feel that your life is over-run, think of ways to cut back.

Focus your energy on the new projects you want to get off the ground this spring. Think about the sunshine and water equivalents (support wise) you can provide to help yourself grow...

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