Tuesday 13 May 2008

Taking care of yourself

Coaching in Spain last week was really good. It was lovely to meet the participants and I'm looking forward to going to the second Spanish property (near Seville) at the end of next week.

Being away from the day to day commitments means there's more time to think about how things could be even better.

The daily yoga, Pilates and swimming was just what I needed, too.

One of the most challenging things about being a coach is putting into practice all the the things I know I would benefit from doing myself.

I'm endlessly talking to clients about prioritising their wellbeing so they don't burn out / end up resenting the people they love etc.

Yet I completely understand how it can be tough to do this. We're (especially women) often brought up to think of meeting our own (or even acknowledging our own) needs as selfish.

But when you take good care of yourself, everyone in your life - from your loved ones to colleagues, neighbours and even strangers in the street - will benefit.

Who do you find it hard to say "No" to? Do you ever catch yourself feeling like a martyr? By spending a few moments thinking about triggers that often lead to exhaustion and resentment, you'll be better able to take care of yourself in the future.

If you find the idea of caring for yourself to be challenging, I'd recommend reading Cheryl Richardson's wonderful books for pointers. She also has some Extreme Self Care cards which can help you get into the habit of looking after the most important person in your life - you.

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