Thursday, 22 May 2008

What do you do when the world feels a bit wobbly?

Have you ever had one of those days when the world feels it's spinning too fast? That the slightest false move might knock you right off the planet?

Often, it's just a sign that you need to be extra gentle with yourself. Beating yourself up over feeling hypersensitive will just make you feel worse.

So do something kind for yourself: Walk, watch a nice movie, take a hot bath (add some pink food colouring and bubbles for extra comfort), make yourself some hot chocolate, take some Rescue Remedy, phone or meet a friend, let it all out in your diary, do some EFT, lose yourself in a good book or book an afternoon / day / week off as a promise that you're going to take better care of your own needs...

If you're familiar enough with NLP, step "off" your timeline and "into the void". This is a bizarre sensation which will help you release any stresses before returning to real life feeling rested, refreshed and wise. (If you'd like to know more, email

Even though you may be really busy with work or a family situation, the fact that things feel as if they're spiralling is a sign that you should try something different.

You'll be in a much better position to handle the fall out from that error / row when you've sorted yourself out. Taking yourself out of the stressful situation and treating yourself with compassion will give you the perspective you need to return to it later.

I'd love to hear how you get on.

And you can sign up for Confidence Coaching Tips straight to your inbox at

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