Thursday, 23 October 2008

Could your insecurity be ruining things for you?

I logged on happily this morning and was mortified to see that I'd let someone down yesterday. We'd arranged to meet up and I had it down for next week and she had it down for yesterday.

I phoned immediately to explain and apologise but it got me thinking. Because she emailed a friendly, concerned message over, I was made aware immediately and able to sort things out.

Other, less secure people (and I'd have done the same until relatively recently!!) might have thought "S/he hates me. Fine. Never mind."

Even though I'm disappointed to have missed out yesterday afternoon, I know we'll meet again another time.

A more extreme example of this (albeit from Home & Away) was a guy who thought he'd been jilted on his wedding day. His response was to turn off his mobile and leave town to drown his sorrows. When he found out that his bride had actually been held hostage (and thoughts of her beloved had helped her through the ordeal - not quite sure how he did find out as he'd been uncontactable, but hey, that's the beauty of Home & Away), he came back. Now she's feeling hurt and betrayed because he'd immediately hooked up with another woman.

Are you the kind of person who generally feels ok about yourself?

Who, if someone lets you down, feels able to call them to find out what happened?

Or do you expect to be let down at some level so retreat emotionally whenever you feel this is happening?

Who would you prefer to be friends with? Someone so needy that they need endless reassurance or someone who knows they're OK (fab, even) and figure that other people know that too?

© Eve Menezes Cunningham / 2008.

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