Friday, 25 September 2009

Shedding leaves, letting go and moving on

When you're feeling impatient and stuck, one of the quickest ways to get yourself out of it is to let go of everything that's holding you back.

Have you got clothes that no longer fit well or suit you? Donate them and enjoy having extra space in your closet (it'll make it much easier to get dressed each morning).

Apparently, in Japan, people leave spaces everywhere - on bookshelves, in closets... after all, if there's no space, things can't flow well and we can get stagnant.

Personally, I'd love to fast forward through the shedding off old skin / leaves phase and be in the sparkly new one.

But I know that, uncomfortable as it may feel at the time, having a good clear out (not just of clothes but habits and patterns of behaviour that no longer work) is a great way to celebrate the end of summer and make room for a great Autumn.

What are you ready to release?

How can you be gentle with yourself as you let go of things that you've perhaps been holding onto for too long?

What will you do to treat yourself when you've made some space in your life?

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