Monday, 9 November 2009

A world in which women easily accept compliments

I love Bones (Sky1) for many reasons. One is that it's the only programme I can think of filled with confident women.

On Thursday's episode alone:

. Cam compliment Angela on her work. Angela said, "I know, right?" (reminding me a little of Rachel Weisz's response to a guy on the dancefloor asking her, "Aren't you Cleopatra? Queen of the Nile?" "How observant you are!) in Land Girls).

. Sweets tells Daisy she's brilliant and she replies, "Certainly well above average. OK, brilliant."

And then Bones herself took it to a whole new level when Boothe's boss hopes she's happy with Boothe and told he's the best. Boothe said, "Oh, I don't know about that". Bones said, "I agree. That statement is impossible to quantify since there are no other agents partnered with forensic anthropologists, let alone one with my capabilities."

I'm a confidence coach and still have to force myself to accept compliments on a regular basis.

If you struggle (and it's not just women) to say (and mean) something like, "Why, thank you!" ask yourself why.

Do you disbelieve what the person is telling you?

Do you secretly believe them but worry that you'd look conceited if you acknowledge the fact that you know what they've noticed about yourself?

Men and women, take inspiration from the characters in Bones. Know your strengths and acknowledge them.

Even if, for a while, you simply imagine yourself responding in a different way, practice and you'll get there...

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