Thursday, 26 June 2008

You never know where asking for help could lead you

A few weeks ago, I wrote here about asking for help.

Still feeling on a roll, I contacted another favourite author last week to find out if I could interview her.

Interviewing Isabel Losada and now Martha Beck have been career highlights for me. I'm really looking forward to writing these features up (for Rapport, the NLP and Personal Development magazine - I'll upload pdfs to my site when they publish).

And if I hadn't asked the original aquaintance for help, I don't think it would have occurred to me to be so bold.

In the past, I needed to feel desperate for help (e.g. shouting "Help! Fire!" from my burning kitchen / asking for help carrying things while on crutches / after surgery etc.) before asking. So it's refreshing and even liberating to find that it gets that bit easier as you practice.

Is there someone - anyone - you can think of who might be able to help you with something? Anything from babysitting or DIY help to advice or something more major.

Often, because asking is challenging, we talk ourselves out of things that others would be delighted to help us with.

List three people you're going to test the waters with this week:




© Eve Menezes Cunningham / 2008

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