Thursday, 18 September 2008

Low risk ways to handle fear of failure

Many of my clients worry about failure. Some find it so unacceptable, they refuse (at first) to put themselves in any circumstance that may include failure of any kind.

If you feel like this, treat overcoming your fear of failure as you would a goal you were working towards. Break down a big fear (humiliating yourself in front of the entire board during a presentation or meeting at work) into smaller steps until you have a low risk option you can practice (maybe introducing yourself to a neighbour you've never spoken to).

Practice taking chances in low risk ways. If you always watch rom coms or action adventures, experiment with foreign films or thrillers. If you always order the same thing from your favourite takeaway, try something different from their menu. Or try a different takeaway place.

What low risk ways can you think of to help you experiment more and, ultimately, fear failure far less?




© Eve Menezes Cunningham / 2008.

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