Monday, 15 December 2008

Everyone's talking - must be about me

The final episode of Brothers & Sisters (S2) made me laugh. Both Saul and Kevin walked into a tense looking room and automatically assumed that everyone was talking about them.

Have you ever done that? Blurted out something that was still safely a secret because it was so prominent in your mind you assumed everyone else knew?

With party season in full swing, walking into crowded rooms where everyone's talking is pretty normal. What will help you feel more relaxed?

. when you arrive, assess the situation. Don't immediately feel you have to contribute to a conversation you've not been part of. Listen until you feel caught up then take it from there.

. if you're really nervous, think about meeting a friend (or even stranger) beforehand. I've done this a few times this year with work events and it's made a huge difference to my enjoyment of the parties. I always spoke to people when I arrived alone but, by arriving with others, I was able to invite people who looked like they were on their own to join us.

. wear something you feel comfortable in. Will your party outfit see you through the whole night (from walking to stations / being stuck in traffic on icy roads / dancing / standing up for hours...)?

. Pick and choose the invites you accept. Go to the ones you feel good about. Not sure? Pick up that invitation again / open the email and check in with yourself. Does your heart sink or excitement bubble?

Have fun!

© Eve Menezes Cunningham / 2008.

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