Thursday, 14 August 2008

Are you nearly there yet?

Watching Little Manhattan (very sweet film) and seeing Bradley Whitford (The West Wing and Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip) reminded me of an article I read about him and his wife, Jane Kaczmarek a while back.

Turns out that both were really struggling and it had got to the point where one or both of them was going to give up there acting dreams in order to bring in some money for the family.

Then, within one week, Bradley landed the part of Josh Lyman in The West Wing and Jane landed the part of Lois in Malcolm in the Middle.

Imagine if either of them had given up!!!! Both have gone on to win numerous awards and fans and every time I see them on screen I smile thinking "Yay! They didn't quit!"

Is there a dream you're close to giving up on?

What would you do to make it a reality if you knew for sure that there was no way you could fail?

Go for it!!!

© Eve Menezes Cunningham / 2008.

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