Monday, 4 August 2008

Just do it

"When you're frightened, don't sit still, keep on doing something. The act of doing will give you back your courage" - Grace Ogot

It sounds simple. But how many times have you withdrawn into fear and anxiety instead of forging forward?

Many of my writer clients (and myself, too, when I'm wearing my freelance writer hat!) have benefitted from choosing action over inaction. Yes, it's tempting sometimes to wallow and wait for a response from that editor / agent / publisher.

But when you start working on your next idea and getting that one out there, it's much easier to pick up momentum.

And whether that first editor gets back to you with a commission or not, you'll be much more likely to get other commissions by taking action.

Think about your own line of work. How can you anticipate times of fear by giving yourself a default action to do? Something fairly simple that you can take action on even when you're feeling a little wobbly?

Go for it!

© Eve Menezes Cunningham / 2008.

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