Monday, 15 June 2009

Letting people help

I (finally) got my bike breaks fixed last week (it had taken longer and longer to slow down and when I tried someone else's, their breaks worked so efficiently, I nearly went over the handlebars).

As it was a matter of getting the bike there by train, I booked it in for a day when I had other meetings fairly nearby.

Unfortunately, when I arrived, they had no record of my week old call making the booking. And they said they couldn't fit it in.

Feeling a little panicked (how could I keep my bike safe in various areas when I'd booked it in over night to avoid this problem) the person asked what was wrong and fixed the breaks for me.

This saved me about £50 on the service fee I'd been braced to pay but I was worried about the bike staying safe.

I popped into a nearby restaurant to grab some food before my next meeting and inexplicably answered a waiter's question with my bike concerns (completely unrelated to what I was eating etc.).

Rather than backing away slowly at my strange ramblings, he offered to keep the bike for me overnight in their locked storage area.

What a star!

I picked it up the next day and still feel hugely grateful (and a bit bewildered) that I expressed my concern so quickly to a complete stranger and they were able and willing to help.

Is there something that's worrying you?

Is it something you could be more open about in case someone completely unexpected can help?

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