Monday, 1 June 2009

Do you want to be happy?

"The key to happiness is the decision to be happy" – Marianne Williamson

It can sound simplistic (why would anyone choose not to be happy?) but think about it:

Do you ever hold onto grudges when letting go would make you happier?

Do you ever feel angry when people don't do things the way you think they should do them?

Do you ever feel resentful when someone you've tried to help doesn't even say Thank you?

When someone hurts you, do you ever find it hard to let go and, instead, think about it over and over and over?

There are all sorts of choices that breed misery rather than happiness.

When I remember to choose the reactions that will make me happier, it really does shift things.

Like yesterday. The sun was shining, the birds were singing but rather than enjoying it, I was wishing the neighbours would enjoy summer more quietly!! When I was able to laugh at my control-freakery and accept that we all have different needs, my Sunday became much more relaxing.

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