Wednesday 2 December 2009

Do you watch your language when you talk to yourself?

One of the Breakthrough confidence coaching sessions I offer is about watching your language when you're alone.

Think about it. When you're ready to head out the door and you catch your reflection in the mirror, are your words and facial expressions friendly or incredibly harsh?

If anyone else were to talk to you like that, you'd quickly stop spending time with them. And yet you probably allow this voice free reign in your head for much of every day.

Watching 30 Rock last night, I was struck by Jack's (Alec Baldwin) self talk compared to Liz (Tina Fey).

Jack (to his reflection): "You're a lion! Take what's yours!"

Liz (to her reflection): "You stupid b****!"

Unfortunately, by the end of the episode, he'd adopted her self loathing approach rather than her ending up feeling better.

Take some time to notice your responses to yourself when you see yourself in the mirror, hear yourself on tape etc. or have any sort of judgement about yourself at all.

How can you encourage yourself to be your best without lacerating every shred of self esteem?

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