Wednesday 23 December 2009

Thinking of making the same impossible seeming resolutions again?

Don't lose faith in yourself. If it's a big goal, it may well take a long time to create a new habit around it. (Personally speaking, I'd been repeatedly trying to give up one self-destructive habit for 23 years before finally kicking it this year).

To help motivate you, think of the Indian lorry driver, Ramchandra Das who made the news recently. The 53 year old spent 14 years chipping away at the mountain in Bihar that blocked his house with a hammer.

While I'm no architecht, this sounds like it could have been a pretty risky strategy (if the mountain had collapsed) but all worked out well and Mr Das no longer needs to park several miles from his home.

What will be your mountain in 2010? Is it a big habit you're trying to kick? An enormous goal you still haven't reached?

Don't give up.

The time will pass whether you achieve what you want or not so you might as well start taking those steps that will get you closer to a life you're happier living.

Happy Christmas!

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