Friday 21 November 2008

Do talk to strangers this World Hello Day


Do you make eye contact with strangers as you cross their paths during your day? I remember a friend teaching me how to look just above people's heads to avoid all eye contact (and falling over from looking at the ground) when I was a kid and I thought it was the most brilliant thing ever.

More recently, I've been unlearning this and often smile at strangers. This morning, even before remembering that today is World Hello Day, I started conversations with several strangers at my new yoga class.

I had a mini conversation at the checkout when I was buying milk and said a winded pitiful "Hello" to a couple of complete strangers who were giving me strange looks as I cycled slowly uphill. (One smiled back but the other looked quite alarmed.)

Personally speaking, I find it much easier to open up to potential conversations when I'm feeling relaxed and good about life in general. If I'm anxious or stressed, my reflex is to keep people at a distance.

Are you happy to talk to anyone anytime? If you're less likely to say "hello" to a stranger, might knowing that it could be helping bring about world peace ( make you more likely to overcome your natural reserve?

I'd love to hear how you get on (

© Eve Menezes Cunningham / 2008.

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