Monday 17 November 2008

Running on empty?

Last week, I noticed that my video remote wasn't working properly. I had to keep getting up to press the relevant buttons on the actual machine (outrageous!). After a while, I had the blinding idea of changing the batteries to see if that might help.

It made such a difference, I was really impressed. From getting to the point where I was wondering where I'd be able to buy a new video when I needed to replace it (does anywhere even sell them anymore?), it was good as new.

So it felt like an added bonus that this was my first weekend completely off in ages. It's so obvious that we humans need downtime. Not vegging in front of the TV (although that can be great, too) but actual "flow" time to help us recharge. Whether that involves reading something engrossing, painting, playing music, walking or something completely different is up to you.

Yet so few people make it a priority. When did you last give yourself any length of time off just for you? If you can't schedule in a whole day, make it an hour. Go with the flow and keep checking in with yourself: What do you feel like doing right now?

It'll be worth it.

© Eve Menezes Cunningham / 2008.

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