Thursday, 14 January 2010

What are you waiting for? Give what you want to receive

A piece I wrote about thank you notes ages ago came out today ( and I wondered, how many of the people who say they prefer handwritten thank you cards and notes send them to their friends, families and colleagues etc.?

Often, we want things that we don't then give.

Is there something you'd like more of in your life?

Rather than waiting for it, how can you find more ways to give it?

For example, if you wish your partner would listen to you more, ask yourself when you last gave him or her your full attention.

If you wish people would be more open and honest with you, ask yourself if you're keeping anything important from them (or even from yourself).

This will help you shift things and may even inspire the person / people you're frustrated with to reciprocate...

(Alternatively, you could take the radical approach and learn to ask directly for what you need).

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