Wednesday 11 February 2009

What are your instincts telling you about your life?

Oprah (yay Sky+!!) was about paying attention to The Gift of Fear, today.

Most of it was about life threatening situations and, people paying attention to their instincts saving them.

But the author, Gavin de Becker, also pointed out that our instincts warn us when we're moving off track in our everyday lives.

He said that when we don't pay attention to our feelings that something's wrong (maybe with a job or relationship), our instincts force us to pay greater attention by giving us panic attacks or illness.

Is there an area of your life where, even though you think you're being silly, your body is giving you signals (a feeling in your gut, a pain somewhere, nausea or some other symtom) that it's time to pay attention and get back on the right track for you?

As De Becker points out, when a small animal senses a lion and runs away before the lion can even be seen, it doesn't beat itself up saying "I'm so ridiculous for running. What's wrong with me?"

Sit with your fears. What are they trying to tell you? How can they help you move your life into a happier and healthier direction?

© Eve Menezes Cunningham / 2009.

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