Monday 16 February 2009

Employment special - Be open to opportunities

I was on Sadie Nine's BBC Essex show this afternoon offering coaching advice for callers and listeners who had been made redundant / felt insecure in existing jobs / wanted a change etc.

No matter how unplanned your current situation, take back control. It's easy and natural to feel disempowered when changes are afoot in your company or even industry.

But there's probably not a great deal that you, personally, can do to make the whole field safer.

What you can do is focus on your own situation.

. keep your CV up to date
. read business pages
. update your skills by enrolling in an evening class
. tell your friends, family and acquaintances about the kind of work you're looking for (not in a desperate way but in a proactive way). The more you can share about this work, the more likely they are to think of you when someone mentions an opening
. practice your interview skills. If it's been a long time since your last one, practice role playing with friends / family

The more you can keep your focus on your outcome (finding work you love which also pays well) and the more positive you can be, the easier it will be to spot opportunities. You'll also come across as a more appealing candidate.

I'll share more coaching tips in my newsletter on Wednesday (you can sign up via my website if you don't already get them).

And if you'd like to listen to the employment special, I was on from 2.45-3.45pm today (

Good luck!

© Eve Menezes Cunningham / 2009.

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