Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Stop struggling - find more energy

"Never put off 'til tomorrow what you can cancel completely" - Martha Beck

After the lovely weather of the long weekend, it's rainy and grey outside. Personally, I love the rain but if it makes your heart sink, look for other ways (let's face it, we can never count on the weather) to cheer yourself up.

Look through your diary for the coming few days / weeks and notice your responses as certain things crop up. Is there anything you're especially looking forward to? Notice how just thinking about this makes you feel enthusiastic and energised.

What about the things you're dreading? Does thinking about something you have scheduled but don't want to do drain your energy?

As far as possible, cancel all the things that drain your energy and create more space for the things that help you feel invincible.

I know, I know, we all have certain obligations that can't be cancelled completely. But is there someone who might love doing what you keep procrastinating?

Maybe you can do a swap with someone else in your family or office? (Washing up everyday for vacuuming twice a week? Making some tricky phone calls for a couple of hours' admin?) Perhaps, if you work for yourself, you can barter with someone else or higher someone like a VA (Virtual Assistant).

It will take ongoing time and effort but the more you take control of your schedule so you increase what makes you feel good and decrease the energy drainers, the happier your life will be.

(c) Eve Menezes Cunningham / www.applecoaching.com 2009

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