Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Tuning into your inner wisdom

Even if traditional meditation isn't your thing, you can get similar benefits by doing anything that helps you access a natural flow state.

For some people, it might mean walking in nature or even a favourite art gallery. For others, things like gardening, cooking and other everyday things can help you access your inner wisdom.

Before you start, ask your unconscious mind a question you'd like the answer to.

It might be anything from "What is this situation with ___ trying to teach me?" to "Am I on the right track with ___?"

Then focus on your walk / gardening etc. but notice any signs that crop up.

What do you associate with each one?

Are any of them common (e.g. well known as representing a certain thing or they crop up a lot as a personal sign)?

Trust yourself and enjoy life as it begins to flow that bit more smoothly...

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