Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Getting lost - and being OK with it

As Andre Gide said, “Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”

Personally, I like to know my next step.

Just the idea of getting lost in a maze makes me feel quite nauseous. Even though I know it's supposed to be good for you (taking yourself off autopilot and trying new routes even to familiar places energises all the senses as we pay more attention to our surroundings).

Think about it, though. We rarely make progress (as individuals or on a larger scale) without allowing ourselves to spend time in uncertainty.

It may be being physically lost or considering applying for a new type of job / leaving a relationship in the belief that you will find someone who's better for you in the future.

Think about your life.

Are their areas you're happy to get lost in?

In which areas does the very idea of being lost make you feel anxious?

How can you shake things up a little? (Not so much to make you feel so uncomfortable that you end up retreating back into your comfort zone but enough to help you glimpse the other options that are out there for you).

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