Monday, 27 July 2009

"What you think about me is none of my business" - Elle Macpherson

I came across "What other people think of me is none of my business" years ago and instantly loved it.

But to hear a real (i.e. not fictional) person say it with conviction - especially someone who's lived so long in the public eye - is brilliant.

Is there an area of your life where you pay too much attention to what other people might be thinking about you?

Your choice of partner? What you eat? Where you live? What you choose to wear? Taking a new job or starting your own business?

It's completely natural to care about other people's opinions - after all, our ancestors would have been exiled from the tribe if they stepped out of line. And this would have meant certain death.

But now, we can assert our own choices more freely.

Stop letting thoughts of how other people may or may not be judging you control the way you live your life. No one can shine under that kind of scrutiny.

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