Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Guilt free self care

I was feeling a bit run down last week so booked a hot stone massage for this evening. Now, having had a long weekend mainly off work, I'm arguing with myself about it.

I won't cancel but need to get rid of the guilt I feel about taking an hour (including the bike ride there and back) out when I have so much work to do.

Still, I know that I'll get much more done as a result...

Logically, I know (studies prove it again and again) that the best thing I can do for all areas of my life is to take some time out now and again to recharge.

So why such high resistance when it comes to actually doing it?

What kind of things (massage / exercise / meditation / daydreaming?) make you feel better?

Do you feel guilty about scheduling them in?

Cheryl Richardson, one of my favourite authors, calls it Extreme Self Care.

What can you start todya doing to put your own wellbeing higher on your list of priorities?

© Eve Menezes Cunningham / www.applecoaching.com 2009.

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